It's not Woo. It's Real.

It's not Woo. It's Real.

Why EFT isn't working for you (and what to do about that)

November 14, 2023

In this podcast, I discuss Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), its potential misapplications, and some personal and client experiences. I highlight why certain generic scripts and diluted forms of EFT may not work, stressing the importance of getting to the core issue and being specific in applying EFT. 

Notably, I share my successful use of EFT in cases related to trauma recovery, domestic violence, pain reduction, performance issues, and fear-related concerns. I also cover the re-launch of my Facebook group for cutomers aimed at creating a community exploring primal and mystical spirituality and a host of related topics. 

Website mentioned:

Gary Craig

For free and comprehensive training on EFT for self help

Free customers only FB group

00:00 Introduction and Welcome

Hello, welcome to episode 11 of It's Not Woo, It's Real podcast....

00:14 Announcement: Launch of New Facebook Group

There is the new customer only free Facebook group....

00:54 Exploring the Purpose and Benefits of the Facebook Group

is exploring what I call a primal and mystical spirituality where we can examine the principles of reality creation, law of attraction, if you want, um, but in a really embodied trauma informed grounded way....

01:54 How to Join the Facebook Group

If you've ever worked with me, purchased something off me, Being a student, then you can request to join this Facebook group....

02:59 Upcoming Launch Event Details

Event on Friday, the 17th of November....

05:55 Update on the Channel Your Guide Course

So that's that final update, the channel your guide course....

08:26 Why EFT Might Not Be Working for You

So let's get to this episode, which is why EFT might not be working for you....

10:20 Personal Experiences and Success Stories with EFT

But before I get into that, I want to just give you a bit of background....

14:13 Misconceptions About EFT and How to Use It Effectively

So the misconceptions about EFT and why I see people saying and thinking that it doesn't work for them mainly have to do with two threads....

17:07 Examples of EFT Success Stories

, this is just an aside....

18:20 How to Apply EFT in Your Life

Why scripts don't work and what you need to know....

36:59 Where to Learn More About EFT

So if you're interested in learning more about....

38:34 Conclusion and Contact Information

I tend to work mostly with emotional issues....
