Work From Home Nursing Podcast

Work From Home Nursing Podcast

How Insurance Verifiers and Medical Practice’s Leave $$$$$ on the Table.

December 11, 2019

Insight into Medical Insurance Verification

P.K.I. is, a "Personal" Healthcare Outsourcing firm that provide insurance verification and prior authorization outsourcing services to Medical Private Practices.
The mission of P.K.I. Firm is to help Medical Private Practices to “Over-Deliver” in their patient’s experience, increase revenue, maintain positive cash flow, increase approvals, decrease the number of returned claims and cut the cost in various areas.

Jasmine Simmons, CEO & Founder, Healthcare Financial Strategist 
 Contact Jasmine at: Phone: 346-706-0004 Email:
Book a FREE 30 Min Discovery Call:

“If you can change the way people think. The way they see themselves. The way they see the world. You can change the way people live their lives. That’s the only lasting thing you can create.”  ― Chuck Palahniuk, Choke

Lawrence Laganelli, Producer
Author, Medical Assistants Reverse Role Employment Method
Administrator, Medical Assistants with Experience Network Group The Largest Online Medical Assisting FaceBook Group In The U.S.A. 
Administrator, National Allied Health Educators Networking Facebook Group. 
Co-owner, Advocates Medical Assisting Profession and Manager, Certified Medical Assistants United LinkedIn Communities 
My Contact Information:
