Haus of Vagina Podcast

Haus of Vagina Podcast

Birth Can Be Empowered with HeHe Stewart

April 16, 2020

Hehe Stewart is the founder of Tranquility Birth Services in Boston, MA. She is a doula and the owner and creator of The Birth Lounge, a membership that helps birthing people prepare for birth and avoid trauma. Hehe believes that 99% of birth trauma can be avoided and is working to make that a reality.

Today I wanted to talk about not just avoiding birth trauma, but how empowering birth can be.

Your birth is not only going to transform who you are, but it is now an integral part of your identity. It is everything. It is the way that you started out motherhood, it is the way that you bonded with your child. It is the way you reconnected with your spouse. It is the way that you have more children and bond with those children and bond with your grandchildren. It is how you parent your children in their adulthood. It is so cyclical.
