The Tonic

The Tonic

#153 Boosting Your Cognition, How Covid-19 Has Impacted Divorce, Five New Cooking Techniques and Improving Mobility

October 10, 2020

Welcome to this episode of The Tonic, terrestrially broadcast on October 10 and 11, 2020 on AM740 and FM 96.7 in Toronto. Topics covered on the show track the lifestyle articles and themes published in Tonic Magazine. This week we discuss how to boost your cognition naturally with Joel Thuna, how Covid-19 has impacted divorce with Lorne Fine, five new cooking techniques with Carolyn Tanner-Cohen and how to improve your mobility with Ali Lubin.
We specifically discuss:
Boosting Cognition

* What is cognition?
* The factors that impact cognition
* Cholesterol, smoking, depression, diabetes and hypertension
* The symptoms and signs of MCI (Mild Cognitive Impairment)
* Lifestyle changes that can boost cognition
* Neuroplasticity
* A healthy diet that supports cognition
* What foods should be avoided?
* Supplements: Omega-3, Turmeric, L-Theanine, B Vitamins, Vitamin K2, Ginko Biloba, Ginseng etc.

Covid-19 and Divorce

* How is Covid-19 impacting married couples?
* Are the courts conducting divorce hearings during the pandemic?
* Urgent and emergency hearings
* Structural changes to the family courts in Ontario
* How have family lawyers changed their practice?
* Custody and Access issues
* Are clients settling more of their issues?
* Child support and spousal support
* Matrimonial homes and other assets
* Best advice

Five New Cooking Techniques

* Salt and pepper
* Fat and acid
* Sautéing
* Pan roasting
* Steaming
* Slow roasting and braising

Improving Your Mobility

* Mobility and range of motion
* Mobility and flexibility
* Why is mobility important?
* How do we know if we’re sufficiently mobile?
* Objective measures of mobility
* Are we mobile because we do things that require mobility?
* Are there things that we can do that will improve mobility?
* Yoga, Pilates and strength training
* Stretching, foam rolling and massage
* Hero Movement

For more information about show sponsor Pure-Le Natural go here.
To read articles by Joel Thuna in Tonic Magazine go here.
To learn more about Lorne Fine go here.
To learn more about Carolyn Tanner-Cohen go here.
To learn more about Ali Lubin go here.

