The Thought Hackers

The Thought Hackers

39 – Happiness And Worthiness: A Journey From The Rabbit Hole With Melissa Monte

February 22, 2018

Finding Happiness And Worthiness has been a lifelong journey for Melissa Monte and as a result helps others find theirs.
Melissa is probably one of todays top influential and thought-provoking explorers in mindset and positive energy.
She will also dive into complex ideas with humor and clarity, in a way that deeply connects with people.
Melissa has lived through many extreme life experiences and suffered multiple traumas in a short period of time.
These include rape, losing a friend to suicide and a parent to lymphoma, an eating disorder and landing in jail for someone else’s crime.
Furthermore, on her heartfelt podcast ‘Mind Love’ she discusses mindset  and mindfulness through raw stories, personal experience and inspiring interviews.

Find Happiness With Melissa Online

* Website

