skwealthacademy 3Cs podcast

skwealthacademy 3Cs podcast

Improve Your Life Immediately By Eliminating this One Huge Time and Energy Waster | The Tao of SKWealthAcademy Podcast, Epi_013

August 13, 2018

Today, in Episode 13 of the Tao of SKWealthAcademy Podcast, I discuss the one massive time and energy waster in which nearly all of us engage on a daily basis. Simply eliminating  or vastly reducing this aspect from our lives is the easiest way to free up time so that we may reach our life potential and maximize our happiness. As odd as this sounds, sustainable happiness in life requires discipline to achieve.The most time and energy wasting task is not only a time waster, but it also stunts our intellectual growth, our creative development, and our sense of community with others, an aspect of life that is essential to avoid depression. So eliminating this one huge time waster not only will increase our productivity, but it will also massively improve our happiness and life while eliminating large portions of anxiety and depression.If you are here, please consider supporting us by becoming an skwealthacademy patron. skwealthacademy patrons  receive additional exclusive patron only content every month! Thus, far, patron only content includes an article about bitcoin’s future, what factors have led to bitcoin’s 70% drop in price from December of 2017, a podcast about the telltale signs not being discussed that forecast the potential for serious turbulence in developed markets later in 2018, reasons why no one will see the phase 2 of the 2008 global financial crisis before it hits and why very few people will be invested in the greatest appreciating asset during this time, critical thinking discussions, and even explanations of the weaknesses of specific stocks before they dropped 20% in share price in a single trading session.Become an skwealthacademy patron at to the Tao of SKWealthAcademy Podcast at us on Snapchat, IG and Twitter: skwealthacademy.Free downloads of the Tao of SKWealthAcademy Podcast episodes on iTunes at on Spotify at our SKWealthAcademy fact sheet here: and our SKWealthAcademy brochure here:
