Latest Episodes

China, Britain, and the Poppy - TheSMARTSeed
January 15, 2018

For shits and giggles, let’s say that I, hypothetically of course, lived on a farm, a peach farm to be exact. I’ve picked all of my peaches and counted out the ones that I would need for canning. After I’ve done my counting I have two bushels of peache...

The indifference to an always has been, but shouldn’t be, humble liquid. - TheSMARTSeed
October 27, 2017

I’m indifferent. I guess that is the best word I have, and, surely, it can be argued that this is the worst type of being. To have no passion, no hate, no love, no opinion of one thing or another. To simply be uninterested, so much so,

The Ironic Nostalgia for Iceberg Lettuce - TheSMARTSeed
August 29, 2017

“I appreciate camping, but that doesn’t mean I like it.”   A couple of weeks ago, as we struck down our tent in Fjord-du-Saguenay National Park just off of the St. Lawrence river in Quebec those words could not possibly hold more truth for me.

Basil, Language, & A Myth or Two - TheSMARTSeed
June 30, 2017

Once upon a time there was a farmer whose name was Rod. Rod was a pilot who also happened to be an organic farmer. He grew 100% grass fed beef, pastured pork, chickens and eggs, greenhouse tomatoes and cucumbers, and basil. Oh,

Seaweed: A Complicated Relationship You Didn’t Know You Had - TheSMARTSeed
May 15, 2017

I had once gone to a wedding in upstate New York. After the ceremony, a dance, and the presentation of food, it was time for the speeches. The best man stood up and went to the microphone to say a little something about the groom,his brother.

The Unfortunate Case of the Sweet Potato & Yam Debacle - TheSMARTSeed
April 01, 2017

If you’ve ever had the pleasure or misfortune of getting stuck in a conversation with me, you might notice one thing. I most always say, “Well, I think.” or “Well, I’m pretty sure.” I don’t tend to talk in certainties.

Cashews: When Opportunity Strikes - TheSMARTSeed
February 23, 2017

My all time favourite political show is Power & Politics with Rosemary Barton on CBC. I’ve been watching the show, on and off, for the past ten years all the way back to a time when Power & Politics was just called “Politics” and Don Newman was the hos...

Barley and Oats: The Lost Hope - TheSMARTSeed
January 25, 2017

Our fears reveal quite a lot about us. It reveals our biases, our phobias, weaknesses, and our privilege. What we fear sheds a light on the worst part of us. The really ugly part. There are conversations that I have had that come to mind. However,

Burdock: Everywhere & Nowhere - TheSMARTSeed
December 13, 2016

   If you walked past the farmhouse, past the barns, and manure pits, along the line of birch trees you would find what we called “The Gully”-- a wooded ravine that spanned acres wide. A tractor trail knifed its way down, across the creek,

Black Pepper: The Stories We Tell - TheSMARTSeed
November 11, 2016

We all have a story that we would like to tell. The stories we choose to tell to our friends, family, acquaintances, and coworkers say a lot about how we would like to be seen. In marketing terms, our stories help create our brand.
