The RoundBall Referee

The RoundBall Referee

008 – Darryl DeRuiter 2014-2015 Official of the Year – Iowa Boys Basketball

September 09, 2016

I am so excited to bring to you this conversation.  Darryl and I enjoyed our conversation over an early morning breakfast at a local restaurant.  As you listen, you'll find yourself right there at the table with us as we discuss basketball and officiating.  Our conversation has all the noises of the local diner mixed in with all sorts of reffing wisdom and insight Darryl brings to the game.

Darryl was the recipient of the NFOA Awards 2014-2015 Boys Basketball Official of the Year.  He now lives in Michigan where he is the principal at Holland Christian High School.


You can connect with Darryl via Twitter - @DarrylDeRuiter

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