There's Something About Fairy

There's Something About Fairy

Ep. 01: Bark Twice for Goat Sex

February 28, 2018

Yeah, you read that title right.
And the barking for goat sex happens in this episode. Literally.

AND... it was 100% unplanned.

This was the first time Slutterbell and I did a full-length recording and had an actual guest [sort of]. Listen, we didn't have our segments and guests and stuff all ironed out yet, so it's a little lacking in that department... but it's still pretty kick ass, and it sets up the rest of the season.

A post shared by There's Something About Fairy (@theressomethingaboutfairy) on Mar 6, 2018 at 6:28am PST

Among other things, we discuss:

* Trevor. Again.
* goat sex (obvi)
* snow and saltiness
* Kansas City
* the Midwest
* the East Coast
* Pennsylvania (sorry)
* Native American history
* colonial dicks
* deadly blankets
* cooking your own head
* peeing in your own shoe
* firehoses
* Halloween
* fairies in Annie's Arbor
* me possibly launching a fragrance based on my own naturally-amazing scent
* calling my friend Molly, who doesn't fucking answer
* calling my friend Amanda, who has the decency to pick up the damn phone
* asking Amanda the Golden Question
* being proud of Amanda's answer
* tattoos
* opossums
* goat sex

The end.

Get the hell outta here.
