The Renee Richards Show

The Renee Richards Show

Teaching Tuesday Author Corrine DeWinter The Sensitive Souls Guide To Waking Up

May 31, 2016


Corrine De Winter is a Bram Stoker Award winning Poet and author who has won numerous awards for her writing from the New York Quarterly, Triton College of Arts & Sciences, & The Rhysling Science Fiction Award. Her work has been applauded by such luminaries as William Peter Blatty ("The Excorcist" author) Tom Monteleone, Thomas Ligotti, Nick Cave, Stanley Wiater, James Sclavunos, Heather Graham, Harry O. Morris, and others.

William Packard, former editor of the New York Quarterly, was a mentor, publishing De Winter's work early on and inviting her to write "The Present State of American Poetry," a regular feature in the journal. At Packard's invitation she read her poetry at the New School and continued a rapport with Packard until his passing . Packard was a big supporter of Charles Bukowski and De Winter was published with him several times in his last years.

Her dark novella "The End of Desire" is available on Kindle.

