The Q Filmcast

The Q Filmcast

Episode 77 : GROSSE POINTE BLANK / Top 3 Movie Hitmen

January 17, 2015

This week we reunite with the 1997 Hitman Gone Home dark comedy   GROSSE POINTE BLANK   Starring John Cusack, Minnie Driver and Dan Aykroyd. Martin Blank (Cusack) is a freelance hitman with a few emotional problems who starts to develop a conscience that ultimately effects his job.. On the advice of his secretary and his psychiatrist, he attends his 10th year High School reunion in Grosse Pointe, Michigan, a Detroit suburb where, ironically enough, he’s just been given a  contracted to kill someone. Hot on his tail are a couple of over-enthusiastic federal agents, another assassin who wants wants him gone, and the leader of the “Assassin’s Union†who wants his membership or else. While the present meets the past, Martin finds himself having to relive the “uncomfortableness†of his High School memories, including an attempt at making amends with his then sweetheart, whom he abandoned on prom night in order to join the army. Considered my many to be a cult favorite from the late 90’s and perhaps one of Cusack’s best, the film also has a great supporting cast that includes Joan Cusack, Alan Arkin, and Jeremy Piven. Listen to hear our take on it as well as our “Top 3 Movie Hitmenâ€

