The Profit Margin, with Jamie Delargy and Naomi McMullan

The Profit Margin, with Jamie Delargy and Naomi McMullan

Latest Episodes

December 18, 2015

E-commerce, is a huge part of people’s lives. Just think about the last time you bought something on-line; at this time of year it’s likely that it was in the past week. But there are still gaps that exist between e-commerce potential and e-commerce ...

How do you measure the potential of your business?
December 11, 2015

Growing a business is very tough. First though, it all has to start with an idea. And then, even if you love the concept it doesn’t mean everyone else will; or that it will be a commerical success. We’re talking to entrepreneurs about their experie...

The business of health
December 04, 2015

Understanding the workforce of the future
November 27, 2015

The world of work as we know it, is changing. Rapidly - The tide of technology is moving inexorably . If it hasn’t reached your shores yet, it will. - So how will businesses behave differently in the coming years? -

How could virtual reality impact on your business?
November 20, 2015

You may not know it, but we’re about to ride the next wave of virtual reality. - As a concept it has been around for decades, but the tech didn’t meet the vision. - 2016 could be a cross-roads; the pivotal moment,

How do you improve your leadership skills?
November 13, 2015

What difference does leadership make? Well, what's Disney without Walt? Leaders often personify their business. They are fundamental to the overall success of teams, business, institutions and countries. So how can you improve your leadership skills?

Design thinking for business
November 06, 2015

Design is good for business; it adds value and can help drive innovation. Good design is the satisfaction of having a product that works in exactly the way you want it to. But does business take it seriously enough?

October 30, 2015

Where is Northern Ireland’s place in the world, and what does it mean for business? Identity here is already complicated enough, but we’re likely to add another layer to the question with the UK’s membership of the EU under increasing scrutiny.

The Circular Economy
October 23, 2015

Since the birth of the industrial revolution, we’ve been running a very linear economic model, by that I mean buy, we use and then dispose of products when they cease to function. But there’s growing calls for a more “circular economy”,

The laws of Visitor Attraction
October 16, 2015

Tourism and hospitality is a growing industry in NI; in the past couple of years it has added the second highest number of jobs (around 7,000) compared to other sectors in our economy. So how entrepreneurial are those working in tourism?
