The Profit Margin, with Jamie Delargy and Naomi McMullan

The Profit Margin, with Jamie Delargy and Naomi McMullan

The need for speed in business

August 14, 2015

Today's Thought

"Never before has the race for success seemed so frenetic. So how do you get ahead? This week we talk to Ed Morgan from DisplayNote in Belfast. Their software is installed in over a million devices in Japan. Plus from PWC we’ve Noel Culbert; the business consultancy firm has just started its own tech accelerator in Northern Ireland.
Peter Johnston’s business went through a tech accelerator. Now the 26 year old man from Carrickfergus has managed to raise a million pounds for his start-up. A key investor in the early-stage business is Peter Thiel, one of the billionaires behind PayPal. We’ll hear about Peter Johnston’s plans for the next stage of the company.
And would you like someone to pick over your business plan in public? Claire Hunter is fresh from Dragons’ den. She didn’t secure investment, she was dismissed by the dragons but she’s far from defeated. The business, Rule of Crumb is going from strength to strength."


Featuring Ed Morgan from DisplayNote,Noel Culbert from PWC in Belfast, Peter Johnston from Lystable and Claire Hunter from Rule of Crumb.
