The Profit Margin, with Jamie Delargy and Naomi McMullan

The Profit Margin, with Jamie Delargy and Naomi McMullan

The Secrets of Entrepreneurs

May 22, 2015

What is an Entrepreneur? Is that you? Is it someone you know?

Who do you picture when you hear that word? Richard Branson? Lord Sugar? Or perhaps Peter Fitzgerald from Randox.

But they weren’t always that big. They started at the bottom like so many; with little or no money and nothing more than good ideas and an enthusiasm for hard work.

99% of our businesses are classified as small. But some won’t stay small. They too will find exciting ways to grow and prosper.

So perhaps that’s what separates the entrepreneur from any ordinary business person or corporate boss - a relentless drive to grow and thrive.

Is that the secret of success? Let’s meet some entrepreneurs and find out.

Featuring Gerry McKiernan from Clubs to Hire, Terry Knox from CD Group and Rob Heron from EY. Our start-up is BiteToSavour.
