The Profit Margin, with Jamie Delargy and Naomi McMullan

The Profit Margin, with Jamie Delargy and Naomi McMullan

Responsible Business

May 01, 2015

What’s the fundamental purpose of business? I think we nailed our colours to the mast on that question when we decided to call this programme The Profit Margin. Businesses need profit to survive. Not only that, there’s a moral responsibility on businesses to make profit and return dividends to shareholders who have risked their capital to invest in the enterprise. But that doesn’t mean businesses should make profit at the expense of all else. There are other ethical concerns; their treatment of customers, workers, suppliers, and the environment. There are times when the profit motive needs to be tempered by these wider and longer-term concerns. So how do you strike that balance. How do you become a responsible business?

Featuring Roseann Kelly from Women in Business, Kieran Harding from Business in the Community, Grainne O'Kane from First Source, Shirley Penny from The Coach House and Siobhan Doherty from Aware Defeat Depression.

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