The Profit Margin, with Jamie Delargy and Naomi McMullan

The Profit Margin, with Jamie Delargy and Naomi McMullan


February 13, 2015

What would you do in the event of a zombie apocalypse?

Think carefully about this one, the answer could determine whether you get a job or not.

That’s if you’re applying for one at a particular sandwich shop chain in America. The boss uses this question to get to find out what a person’s real instincts are.

An unorthodox approach to be sure.

What about submitting a written piece of work to have it scrutinised by a graphologist who says he can identify up to 300 personality traits from anyone’s scrawl?

So how should employers identify talent? How can they ensure that they get the best person and the best fit for their team?

After all companies are just a collection of individuals doing their jobs and it takes special people to make special companies.

Featuring Jim Clerkin CEO of Moet-Hennessy USA,  Ken Belshaw Co-Founder of Grafton Recruitment, Lisa Bryson of A & L Goodbody and pupils from Omagh Academy

The post Super-Talent appeared first on The Profit Margin.
