The Profit Margin, with Jamie Delargy and Naomi McMullan

The Profit Margin, with Jamie Delargy and Naomi McMullan

Opportunity Knocks

February 06, 2015

Hi Folks,

Jim here with the latest this week.

Success is sometimes unexpected. A good entrepreneur is often an exceptional opportunist. They start with a plan but pivot and change direction when they realise the opportunity lies in another direction.

Brandy was initially developed by merchants trading wine who wanted to reduce the quantities for transport and save on duties by boiling the wine into a kind of concentrate. It was probably after a long day on the road that one of the merchants took a sip or two and reckoned the potent concentrate had a premium marketable value of its own.

Viagra was developed to treat hypertension and angina. It wasn’t great at that. But it had a side effect that was both surprising and ultimately very lucrative for its owners Pfizer.

And sometimes what seems like a tiny niche product or service in a local market can – when viewed globally – be a ticket to real success. Take Sean McAllister and his wife Leona from Portglenone. Asked by the parish priest to do him a favour and survey the local graveyard, the couple have turned mapping cemeteries into a tech business with global potential. They literally see dead people, and it’s profitable.

So, do you know how to spot a winner and will you be listening when opportunity knocks?

Featuring Alan Watts of Halo, Ian Henry of Windell, Robin Adair of Econoliser, and Adam McKenna of Digipop.

The post Opportunity Knocks appeared first on The Profit Margin.
