The Profit Margin, with Jamie Delargy and Naomi McMullan

The Profit Margin, with Jamie Delargy and Naomi McMullan

What separates winners and losers?

February 19, 2016

This week we’re talking to Ashley Merryman, a New-York Times best selling writer who has co-authored a book called “Top-Dog” all about the science of winning and losing.

She believes she can help everyone get mentally tough enough to compete in a way that suits them. She’s given us some insight into how to optimise personal performance, plus she has some tips about negotiating which are easy to apply and crucially could make a real difference to the next meeting you have (especially if you want a pay rise)

We’re also catching up with Sixty-5 Technologies, an innovative agri-tech firm.The company is starting to expand and export their products to Europe. The CEO explains the potential of the firm and how farmers are embracing the technological revolution sweeping across other industries.

Joining us in the studio, we have Kim Johnston from WeDoo, a new concierge service for Northern Ireland. As out-sourcing mundane tasks gets more popular, how does the business model scale, and what are some of the oddest requests they’ve recieved? Listen in to find out.

Our start-up is Adrienne Hanna, winner of the Women in Business start-up of the year competition. Right Revenue is a predictive hospitality analytics tool, which aims to allow independent hotels to maximise occupancy and profitability.
