Pocket Players Podcast

Pocket Players Podcast

Latest Episodes

Pocket Players Podcast #138: Crash & Spurn
January 25, 2016

This episode is coming in for a hard landing with KC spending an obscene amount of time...

Pocket Players Podcast #137: Looking to the New Year
January 14, 2016

Last year is in the past! It's time to look ahead at what's got us most excited about 2016 for mobile, Vita, and 3DS. - Speaking of the new year, we've already got a load to look forward to with the Pokemon 20th Anniversary kicking off,

Pocket Players Podcast #136: Top 5s of 2015
January 06, 2016

We're back in the New Year with an extra long episode. And in addition to the usual news for 3DS, Vita, and mobile gaming, we're listing our top 5 games (and biggest disappointments) of 2015! - PLUS: Look forward to a special episode of Adell and KC's...

Pocket Players Podcast #135: Updated, Never Outdated
December 21, 2015

With the final Super Smash Bros. direct this week, all the updates and new features for the game are finished... or are they? We discuss it all here. - As always, we also got all the biggest news for 3DS gamers, Vita afficianados, and mobile maestros.

Pocket Players Podcast #134: Genuine Ripoff
December 12, 2015

Is this the real life? Or is it just fantasy? Adell and I ponder the most blatant and perplexing Pokemon ripoff ever to hit mobile, Pocket Master Saga. We also chat about a few legitimate games we played this week.

Pocket Players Podcast #133: Witches of Winter
December 03, 2015

Witches are everywhere this week as we play games that make 'em fight and flirt. Adell reviews Stella Glow for 3DS, and I have some thoughts on an actual trading card game for iOS called Mabinogi Duels, plus much more, including all the 3DS, Vita,

Pocket Players Podcast #132: Tanksgiving
November 25, 2015

Before Black Friday and after a Nintendo Direct means news is short this week. But we're picking up the slack with a lot of games to review as we introduce Adell's new "Free-to-Play Corner" where we chat about Chromatic Souls and Warhammer 40,

Pocket Players Podcast #131: Trailblazers
November 20, 2015

Everyone's treading new ground this week, with tons of big reveals in the latest Nintendo Direct, including Cloud Strife coming to Super Smash Bros., and a female Link coming to Hyrule Warriors. We also get to retread some familiar trails with the orig...

Pocket Players Podcast #130: Try Force
November 10, 2015

Gather up some friends (or digital strangers) and join us for a team effort as I take on The Legend of Zelda: Tri-Force Heroes for 3DS and Zenonia S for iOS. Meanwhile, Adell lights up all our lives with Boktai 2 for GBA. - And of course,

Pocket Players Podcast #129: Flashback
November 02, 2015

We're both going back into our stash of favorite older games as I am wowed by everything I can play on my new iPhone 6+. But we're also getting a nostalgic kick to the hind as one of my favorite titles from waaaay back is just now getting a modern remake.
