The Paradise Paradox

The Paradise Paradox

Latest Episodes

State Sponsored Crypto in 2019? With Chris Guida
February 11, 2019

 The Venezuelan government released the Petro in 2019... Sort of. says they have no data about what the current price is, and Coin Market Cap doesn't list it at all. It seems that it was a state-sponsored scam. A government releasi

Conscious Communication and Ethical Emergence - Michael Nimetz & ELAmental
February 10, 2019

Since 2015, hundreds of people have gone to Acapulco every year to celebrate liberty, and discuss how to make the world more free. Some of them decided to never leave, and some decided to keep coming back. In this episode, Kurt is joined by Acapulco expa

Should I short bitcoin? With Chris Guida
February 04, 2019

After a solid year of bitcoin making low after low, you might think that it will continue to make new lows. You might even be so confident as to sell bitcoin short - that is, to borrow bitcoins in order to sell them, and profit when it goes lower. Would

Don't lose money! Cryptonomics
January 28, 2019

  According to Warren Buffett, there are two rules to making money: 1. Don't lose money. 2. Don't forget Rule #1. Sounds pretty obvious, but the question is how to apply it to build your wealth over time? One vital tool is asset allocation - careful

Will Bitcoin be zero in 2020? - Questions for Crypto with Chris Guida
January 24, 2019

Is bitcoin going to zero in 2020? Probably not. I sat down with long-term Bitcoin enthusiast and smart guy, Chris Guida, to discuss this question. Chris's response was, the longer something continues, the more likely it is to continue. Bitcoin has been a

Do you regret buying bitcoin? With Chris Guida - Cryptonomics
January 22, 2019

  The other day I sat down with my friend Chris Guida, long term Bitcoin enthusiast, software developer and all-round nice guy, to discuss some questions about cryptocurrency that people had raised on the Internet. Please upvote on Steemit: https://

Patreon Screws Itself - Cryptonomics
January 14, 2019

Patreon has blocked YouTuber Sargon of Akkad for dropping N bombs, calling it hate speech. Now many customers and creators are leaving Patreon even if they don't like Sargon. Turns out when it comes to people spending their money, they don't like being P

Magic Mushroom Messages - Interview with 434
January 11, 2019

Since the dawn of man, and maybe a few hours before, people have been using psychedelic substances to expand their consciousness, give them a greater perspective, and get in touch with something divine. Psilocybe mushrooms, peyote and other substances we

Get Rich, Save Money - Cryptonomics
January 07, 2019

 If you want to invest in crypto or stocks or even your own business, you need to get capital first. I know from experience that saving small amounts of money every week can add up over the years. But you gotta find that money to save, to put that m

I was deported from Mexico
December 29, 2018

In 2017, Kurt was deported from Mexico for overstaying his tourist card, serving as a warning to all those ex-pats who let their papers lapse. In the detention centre, he met many fascinating characters, a kind drug-dealing hippie, a Romanian credit card
