Theory of Architecture

Theory of Architecture

Latest Episodes

#14 - Dame Laura Lee
October 16, 2020

Dame Laura Lee is CEO of Maggie's, a charity providing drop-in support centres for cancer patients, each designed by a different architect.

#13 - Rosemary Hill
October 12, 2020

Dr Rosemary Hill is a writer, historian, independent scholar and author of 'Gods Architect', a biography of the Gothic Revival architect, A.W.N. Pugin and 'Stonehenge', a history of one of Britains

#12 - Building Beautiful
August 27, 2020

This is an article all about beauty entitled 'What do people like about old architectural styles and how can they be incorporated into contemporary designs?'

#11 - Phineas Harper
July 17, 2020

Phineas Harper is Director of Open City, the organisation which runs the annual Open House weekend. He also curated the 2019 Oslo Architecture Triennale and has previously worked for the Architecture Foundation and the Architectural Review.

I'm standing for election to RIBA Council! Here's why...
July 13, 2020

I'm standing for election for a National Seat on the RIBA Council. Here I set out what I am standing for and why you should vote in these elections! Manifesto here: Vote here!:

#10 - Planning Must Be Digitised
July 08, 2020

In this article I talk about why the planning system needs to undergo radical digitisation and suggest some policies that might help in that process. And please vote in the RIBA Elections!:

#9 - On Architectural Awards
July 02, 2020

This is an article I wrote back in 2016 entitled 'Public Engagement in Architectural Awards' which is still very relevant.

#8 - Nicholas Ray
June 24, 2020

Nicholas Ray is co-author of the book 'Philosophy of Architecture' and is an architect in practice in Cambridge where he taught before joining the University of Liverpool. His theoretical pre-occupations over a period of more than 40 years have resulted .

Reading List | #3 - 'The Sympathy of Things'
June 04, 2020

My third architectural book recommendation is 'The Sympathy of Things' by Lars Spuybroek. Here I talk in more detail about this book and what makes it essential reading for all architects and architecture students.

Reading List | #2 - 'A Pattern Language'
April 27, 2020

My second architectural book recommendation is 'A Pattern Language' by Christopher Alexander et al. Here I talk about how this book is useful to architects and architecture students and why you should read it.
