Latest Episodes of The Nourishing Podcast

Latest Episodes of The Nourishing Podcast

The Nourishing Podcast Episode 2 + Garlic Ginger Tea Recipe

November 23, 2013

Emily had the pleasure of interviewing me for our second podcast, isn’t she lucky?! Just kidding.

In this podcast we talk a lot about our immune system and how to stay healthy during the holidays.  One of my favorite teas for colds, sinus infections, the flu, or just prevention is garlic ginger tea.  It has warming properties and is anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-viral! I make it often because not only do I feel fantastic after just one mug, but I love the way it tastes.   I’ve posted on Facebook before that my four year old nephew and 18 month old niece love this tea, so yes you can get kids to drink it.

No gingers were harmed in the making of this tea.

Garlic Ginger Tea

Don’t worry, the ginger, lemon, and honey overpower the taste of garlic…


4 cups boiling water

4 cloves of garlic, chopped

1/2 inch piece of ginger, finely grated

Juice of half a lemon

Honey to taste (at least half a teaspoon)


1.  In a large glass bowl add garlic, ginger, and lemon juice.

2.  Pour over boiling water, cover, and let steep for 20 minutes.

3.  Strain, and add honey to taste.  Kids drink 1 cup per day until symptoms are gone.  Adults drink 1-2 cups per day until symptoms are gone.


Here’s a brief overview of our second podcast, which you can subscribe to on the right side of this page or on iTunes, Stitcher, and apps from Blackberry to Blubrry:

1.  My journey from multiple health issues and food allergies to wellness.

2.  The two foods I recommend everyone add to their diet.

3.  Tips to boost your immune system

4.  Several store-bought cultured veggie brands right here in Pensacola if you don’t want to make them yourself.

5.  What is Bioset and Nutrition Response Testing.

Our next interview is with acupuncturist Dr. Bonnie Mclean followed by professional soccer player, author, and speaker Junior Desouza.

Happy Thanksgiving!

