Moms on a Mission

Moms on a Mission

Understanding Your Child’s CoreSelf

October 16, 2015

We think our job is a parent is to raise a child who is a success and that we have the experience to see what their potential is and how to mold them into the best adult possible. We feel that we need to create the right situations and encourage or kids to be the best they can be and anything less is not good enough. And most kids want to please us so we can really influence our kids. BUT IS THAT REALLY SUCCESS as a parent?

Author Nancy Rose writes that there are two parts to parenting from Acceptance:

* Who your child is and the parts you cannot change (She calls this the CoreSelf)
* What your child does and the things you can and must influence (your child’s behavior)

Tricia and Nancy discuss how understanding your child's CoreSelf can lead you to be a better parent to the child you have instead of the potential child you want. Check out the CoreSelf list for yourself at Nancy Rose's website ( sign up for her email and the link is sent to you--just know you don't get spammed or get too much email--I haven't gotten any additional ones).

Quotes from today's show:
Try to see your child as a seed that came in a packet without a label.  Your job is to provide the right environment and nutrients and to pull the weeds.  You can’t decide what kind of flower you’ll get or in which season it will bloom. – Anonymous
Acceptance is like the fertile soil that permits a tiny seed to develop into the lovely flower it is capable of becoming. The soil only enables the seed to become the flower. It releases the capacity of the seed to grow, but the capacity is entirely within the seed. As with the seed, a child contains entirely within his organism the capacity to develop. Acceptance is like the soil-it merely enables the child to actualize his potential.--Thomas Gordon
