Moms on a Mission

Moms on a Mission

Taking Kids Out of School for Travel

April 02, 2016

Nancy shares her exciting news about an upcoming trip and how to take kids out of school for travel.  Some school districts fine parents for taking kids out and others just don't like it.  There are ways to make a trip work for both your family and your child's classroom.

What to consider first:

Know what your child's School Policy is and how you can work with it.
Ask yourself how is your child doing in school and can they make up the work?
Ask your child how she feels about missing school.  This may not be the right time for your child.
What grade is your child in? Earlier grades are easier than when it counts in High School.
What time of year is it? Time travel when it is close to a break or not during important testing time or semester finals.

Some tips to help in taking your kids out of school:

Talk to the teacher(s) before you plan the trip and Ask them. Talk to the Principal as well.
Go in with an Educational Plan (why the trip is educational) explain to teachers they history, geography, language arts, and science your child will learn.
If necessary, make plans to cover topics missed—not just homework so that your child is caught up with the rest of the class.
Keep the amount of school missed short and if you can't make it short, make a really good pitch.
Remember you are your child's main educator and if you feel the trip will be educational, take it.

Making the Pitch:

Show how your Child will be Learning
Quantify the Results
Make it benefit the Class
