The Mikie Show

The Mikie Show

Latest Episodes

Episode 43, Sarah
November 02, 2011

Hurrah, it’s another show about stuff I don’t know! Yes, this episode we speak with Sarah Mattson, planetary photographic cartographer, you know, I don’t really know what to call her, but she creates 3D terrain models of the surface of Mars. It’s

Episode 42, Glenn
October 13, 2011

Episode forty-two welcomes back our friend, psychotherapist Glenn Berger, PhD. This is his fourth visit with us and as always it’s great to have him back. This time we discuss ADD, the difficulty of taking action and other topics of the psyche. And now

Episode 41, Sarah
September 22, 2011

This episode we speak with Sarah Luchetta, an archaeologist, French speaker and roller derby girl. What was that, roller derby girl? Yes, besides investigating the artifacts of human history, she likes participating in a contact sport. Roller Derby is bac

Episode 40, Hector & Lidia
September 08, 2011

It’s episode forty, the first in a series of forties! We celebrate this new decade of episodes with another show about wonderful dancing! This time, we speak with Lidia and Hector LeGrand, experts in tango, teaching and performing it. But this is the r

Episode 39, Whit
August 24, 2011

Episode thirty-nine! Just had to say it, hope you don’t mind. We speak with Whit Patten, a man who grew up on a farm in the country (he had to board in town to attend high school) but went on to travel the world doing top secret work for the US in the c

Episode 38, Erin
August 09, 2011

Hurray, another show about language! Join us as we learn every curse word there ever was! That’s not true, we just talk about language, but it’s with linguistic anthropologist Erin Debenport, PhD. She is working to save the Tiwa language spoken in the

Episode 37, Abe
July 19, 2011

Join us as we speak with fabulous violinist Abe Appleman. Besides a love of chamber music, his main gig is playing with the first fiddles in the Orchestra of The Metropolitan Opera in New York City. And he’s done that for the last thirty years. We talk

Episode 36, Liz
July 18, 2011

Join us as we speak with Liz Tilley, a soon to be PhD in Family Studies and Human Development. Her focus is on awareness and prevention of teen pregnancy and how policy, family context and our evolution all contribute. Plus she’s a sweet person who is i

Episode 35, Ned
July 18, 2011

Join us as we speak with newsman/publisher Ned Creighton. He drinks a lot but that’s okay, he’s in the news business. Nah, I’m kidding. He is a great newsman and a conscientious objector to irrational reporting. Well, he’s recently retired but tha

Episode 34, Michelle
July 18, 2011

Hooray we get to do another program about dance! Yes, you can join us for a chat with Michelle Thompson, a dancer for Ballet Austin in Austin, Texas. She dances classical and modern ballet and is also very sweet and, a new mom. She danced (not performed)
