The McCarthy Project, LLC

The McCarthy Project, LLC

Dave Scott on Developing Young Endurance Athletes

August 26, 2013
Triathlon Legend and Hall of Famer Dave Scott on Developing Young Talent within Endurance Sports
Dave Scott and Mark Allen from 1989 Iron War

6-Time Triathlon World Champion Dave Scott joined Stephen McCarthy of The McCarthy Project to discuss current trends in the world of triathlon and the development of young athletes.

We covered the following areas specific to endurance athletes.

1. Strength and Conditioning needs to remain or become a vital part of a triathlete’s overall program.

2.  Balance within each athlete’s training program is a key to success, not survival of the fittest training or who works the hardest as method of choice to develop your talent as an endurance athlete.

3.  Art and Science are feathered together to find the best program based on the individual athlete, not “mythical, old-wives tales or “science says do this” training programs.

4. Recovery must be promoted as one of the pillars to success in triathlon.

Here is a 7-8 minute excerpt of the interview, Strength Training Programs and Athlete Development in Triathlon, that will be aired on October 16th. Tune in when Dave and Stephen will break down these areas and the world of elite performance in triathlon.

About Dave Scott:

Dave Scott

Dave currently devotes his time educating and inspiring athletes of

all abilities and ages, leading sport camps, clinics and races across the country and running his own training group in Boulder, CO. Dave combines years of wisdom, wit and creativity to his passion for helping others. He has been the head coach for Team In Training since 1999, helping to certify TNT coaches nationwide and is actively involved in the running of his business.

Dave Scott, Inc. offers individual and group fitness and nutrition consultations, innovative strength & flexibility e-program exercises, multi-media sport analysis and training tips, video analysis and corporate and tri club speaking engagements and clinics. Dave is based in Boulder, Colorado and greatly enjoys spending time with his three children and maintaining a healthy and physically fit lifestyle.


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