The McCarthy Project, LLC

The McCarthy Project, LLC

Foluke Akinradewo of USA Volleyball

August 22, 2013
Foluke Akinradewo of USA Volleyball on Life as a Student First-Athlete Second
Foluke Akinradewo of USA Volleyball

All too often we hear the stories about athletes who are given a passing grade just because they are an athlete.  Well, Foluke Akinradewo of USA Volleyball broke that mold.  Foluke joined Stephen McCarthy of The McCarthy Project to talk about world of high level volleyball and staying focused on pursuing an education.

Foluke grew up in a household that education was priority and sports came second.  She excelled in school and eventually attended Stanford University to play volleyball and complete her education. She graduated with a major in Human Biology.  She was named the PAC Ten Player of the year in 2007 and 2008,

She continued her career with Team USA narrowly missing the 2008 Olympics.  Foluke returned for the 2012 London Games to help the team win a silver medal.

She talked about the balance of studying, playing a sport and the value of completing your education.

For the complete 20 minute interview, click here.

For a detailed history of her career, visit the Team USA Volleyball site.



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