The Jesus Feed Podcast

The Jesus Feed Podcast

Episode 3: "When God Fails to Comfort Me in My Loneliness"

June 21, 2016

Download this episode! Have you ever felt alone in this world of 6-billion people? I have and it's excruciating. It's even more excruciating when we call upon God just to give us a hint of His presence in the midst of our loneliness. And sometimes He does and we can literally feel His presence around us and then we are assured that everything is going to be OK. But what about those times when you cry out to God for reassurance that you're not alone and He doesn't respond? The pain of loneliness is magnified and we slowly digress away from God and His people, the church. Before long we are in a worse place than when we started. So why doesn't God coddle and comfort us in our loneliness? What is He doing? Am I doing something wrong? How can I experience the presence of God when it seems He is withholding it? In Episode 3 of the series, "When God Fails...," Pastor Jamie talks about loneliness and what to do when God doesn't coddle you in your most lonely seasons. Be encouraged! The Bible gives us the answers to these questions. Now let's explore this together. Perhaps you aren't in a season of loneliness, but know someone who is. I want to encourage you to share this podcast with them and encourage them to subscribe. Listen together, pray, and discuss what you've heard. Also, please rate this podcast and let me know how we're doing. Feel free to leave suggestions for topics you'd like to learn about. Thanks for listening, subscribing, and rating. Blessings! Jamie
