The Inside Guide

The Inside Guide

14. How to match your work with your values | with Mathilde

October 12, 2021

A lot of us feel disconnected between the work we are doing and what is important to us. Often, the answers lie in our core values. Values such as respect, freedom, or honesty drive our lives, consciously or not.

I invited Mathilde, the founder, and creator of the upcycled slow fashion brand 'Tilde'. She also is a yoga teacher and quit her job a few years ago to create a life where she could feel more balance between herself and her career.

You can find the notes of the episode on my website The best way to support the podcast and make it known by others is to subscribe to it, share it with your friends and leave a review on apple podcast/iTunes. I'll be so happy to read you and it will help others to discover it easily.

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Related episode:

Episode 5: 4 steps to build a strong inner foundation

Episode 8: How to improve your thinking and be more positive?

Episode 12: 4 tools to face the stress of uncertainty

Available on



Clothing brand

Instagram @tilde



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