The Hero Association - A One Punch Man Podcast

The Hero Association - A One Punch Man Podcast

One Punch Man - Chapter 1 Review

November 17, 2018

Salutations citizens, this is your local ‘S’ Class Hero, Professor Issu, coming to you live from City Z. Please continue to remain calm and be soothed by this amazing podcast regaling you of tales of the legend, One Punch Man.
Now before we begin, I wanted to thank each and every one of you out there for taking the time to listen. I will be doing my very best to upload an episode weekly; so please subscribe to stay updated.
Now without further delay, let’s begin our review of Chapter One, One Punch. For those of you who would like to read the chapter with me, please click here.
It appears we begin our story in a peaceful city, birds are chirping and everyone is going about their day per usual when…
Holy sweet dear baby domo, a massive explosion is tearing through the buildings. This explosion is so large it is sending shockwaves throwing buildings and cars around like they are toys. You can see the sheer horror on the faces of the people in the cars. Oh god why!?
Meanwhile, you have people on a train going about their day as if these explosions are common. What kind of environment do you have to live in to think an explosion of this magnitude is commonplace?! But I digress..
It seems we’re finally going to see the monster responsible for causing this disaster and it’s…..Picallo? Why is a nude Picallo out here causing such widespread damage? Picallo is going straight Oolong on this city throwing energy balls destroying everything in his path.
It didn’t take long before the news started covering the event and it appears this is actually taking place in City A. Aaaaaaand the reporter is dead. Poor guy.
We’re met with a shadowed image of a devilishly handsome bald dude watching the news and it looks like he’s interested in helping out. Speaking of Oolong, this guy has a cool pig on his TV stand; I dunno, I thought I’d throw in a bit of scenery for you guys.
Awwww snap, he put on his superhero clothes and is about to dish out some Justice Enforcement!
Nude Picallo is still out here destroying things and we have what I can only describe as a school child is frozen in terror crying out for her mommy and daddy.
Awww shit, Picallo sees her. Wait, he’s holding out his hand….nope, that’s a big ass death grip about to smush her. Eeeeee! Ohhh! Just as Picallo was about to grab her, our hero swooshes in and grabs her just in the nick of time. Sugoi!!
Nude Picallo seems intrigued, asking who this guy is and our hero just smiles and says, “Someone who’s a hero for fun.” with the blankest and baldest face you can imagine. And as all of you are thinking, so is Picallo; what kind of ridiculous backstory is that?!
Finally, the monster reveals his name as “Vaccine Man”! (I wonder if he’s pro or con). Apparently, he exists because of humankind’s constant pollution of the environment. Message!
Vaccine Man appears he wasn’t even in his final form yet, yelling about how humans are the disease, and how he’s gonna cleanse the Earth, and ragging on our hero cause he’s only doing this for fun. What a dick..
Vaccine Man has grown like six times his normal size and is basically a roided out cockroach looking guy now.
Let the battle begin! Aaaand it’s over.
Our hero threw one punch and Vaccine Man burst into pieces. Though it doesn’t look like One Punch Man is too thrilled complaining that it only took one punch again. I could imagine how bored he is if it only takes one punch.
So that concludes our review of Chapter One of One Punch Man, if you decided to read along, or read it after the Podcast, please leave me a comment or leave me an email on your thoughts and I’ll read a few of them n...
