The Halli Casser-Jayne Show

The Halli Casser-Jayne Show


August 14, 2020

Welcome to The Halli Casser-Jayne Show. On this episode of The Halli Casser-Jayne Show we begin with presumptive Democratic Party Presidential nominee Joe Biden’s pick for his Vice-President, Senator Kamala Harris; take a look at where the country is in the Covid-19 pandemic; explore Trump’s attempt to win re-election with his sabotage of the United States Post Office, and hey, what’s a podcast without a mention of Trump fixer Michael Cohen and the infamous pee tapes. That’s where we begin.

As we do every week, Halli and her partner in politics, veteran White House correspondent Matthew Cooper take a deep dive into the current political landscape in their weekly snap, crackle and pop conversation. And what a week it has been. As Covid-19 ravages the United States, school’s are being forced to open by Republican governors. How is that gonna end? Before Joe Biden’s announcement of Kamala Harris as his running-mate, he was continuing his surge in the polls. Donald Trump knew that Harris was a likely pick, but has flailed in his response to her Biden nod. But what’s a day without Trump playing his two favorite hands: Sexism and racism? There was a deal struck between Israel and the UAE? Good for Netanyahu and Trump or not? Oh, and Congress, remember them? They hung desperate Americans out to try, unable to reach a deal between the parties, they took off for their August recess.

Kamala Harris, Covid-19, Kanye West, Election 2020, Congress, Joe Biden, Donald Trump, White House press corps, the Abraham Accord. It’s August and things are hot, hot, hot and getting hotter. Join Halli and Matt this week on The Halli Casser-Jayne Show, always available at Halli Casser-Jayne dot com, on your favorite app, and on your Alexa device too. Listen here >>
