The Halli Casser-Jayne Show

The Halli Casser-Jayne Show


June 25, 2020

Donald Trump ripping families apart at the border and caging children, the Coronavirus surge, Black Lives Matter, Election 2020, Attorney General Barr and the Mike Flynn case are just a few of the subjects we tackle this week on The Halli Casser-Jayne Show when joining Halli at her table are Rosy Pablo Cruz and Julie Schwietert Collazo the co-authors of THE BOOK OF ROSY, A MOTHER’S STORY OF SEPARATION AT THE BORDER and Former White House correspondent and Time and Newsweek veteran Matthew Cooper.

We begin with our weekly take on all things politics when Halli and Matt slice and dice all things politics, and Donald Trump, too. The coronavirus is surging all across America and Donald Trump seems to care less, taking his re-election show on the road, contributing to the spread of the virus. His polls are devastating, but that isn’t stopping him. Joe Biden is leading in all the battleground states. We discuss, but that’s just where we begin.

In our second half-hour don’t miss a truly extraordinary interview with Rossayra Pablo Cruz, a Guatemalan refugee who along with two of her children, aged 5 and 15, made the arduous 5000 journey to America to save her family from the violence that has upended her country, and cost her husband his life. The first Central American mother who had her children ripped away from her by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement's (ICE) to tell her story in book form, Rosy’s account of her harrowing experience is a gripping shaming story of the human cost of inhumane U.S. policies. THE BOOK OF ROSY is co-written by the woman who rescued Rosy from the hovel that is the detention center prison the U.S. government locked her in, and reunited her with her children, Julie Schwietert Collazo, founder of Immigrant Families Together the grassroots organization that reunites mothers and children, who also joins us.

Immigration, Covid-19, Black Lives Matter, Election 2020, Mike Flynn, history, politics, Mike Flynn, Attorney General Barr -- all this week on The Halli Casser-Jayne Show, always available at Halli Casser-Jayne dot com and on whichever is your favorite app and on your Alexa device too. Listen here>>
