The Gospel Podcast

The Gospel Podcast

Latest Episodes

Testing reading of the Psalms 14 – 18
September 03, 2018

Testing a reading of the Psalms 14 -18

Ep 50
September 03, 2018

Ep 49
September 02, 2018

Wisdom Cries, Are You Listening?

Ep 48
August 28, 2018

Continuing the gospel of John and the ministry of John the Baptist.

Ep 48
August 28, 2018

Continuing the gospel and the ministry of John the Baptist.

Ep 47
August 25, 2018

We are continuing our series on the 10 Commandments. Israel had failed to establish the kingdom that Lord had wanted them to (Exodus 19:6). They had over 1,000 years to accomplish this and even had their Messiah come (Jesus) to establish that kingdom,...

Ep 47
August 25, 2018

We are continuing our series on the 10 Commandments. Israel had failed to establish the kingdom that Lord had wanted them to (Exodus 19:6). They had over 1,000 years to accomplish this and even had their Messiah come (Jesus) to establish that kingdom,...

Ep 46
August 24, 2018

August 24, 2018

ep 45
August 23, 2018
