The Gold Chronicles

The Gold Chronicles

EP. 80 The Gold Chronicles: January 2018 podcast with Jim Rickards and Alex Stanczyk

January 24, 2018

Topics Include:

*Central Banks have bought more gold than UST’s since 2013

*Why we are potentially on the cusp of a new set of rules for the international monetary system

*Financial elites with the IMF and the Fed have said that the international monetary system is incoherent…there is no anchor

*What Central Banks shifting from net sellers of gold, to net buyers of gold is signalling

*Why the United States has not sold any significant amount of gold since 1980

*History of the US influencing other sovereigns to sell their gold reserves

*Significance of Central Banks now buying gold as preparation for a new set of rules for the international monetary system

*Why gold may be in the first stages of a new multi-year secular bull market
