The Expert Economy

The Expert Economy

Episode 5: 10 LinkedIn Myths That Are Holding You Back

September 10, 2020


 Episode 5:
10 Linkedin myths that are holding you back

Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 21:18 — 29.3MB)
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You've attending LinkedIn training workshops yet  you still find yourself staring at the screen asking 'How do I get leads from LinkedIn?'
If this sounds like you, you're not alone. Countless people have left LinkedIn workshops still baffled as to how to use it. It's not the trainers fault, or that they didn't learn. It's that they are missing a vital element: Strategy. And what it means to them, uniquely, in their business. 
In this episode, I pull on seven years experience training people how use LinkedIn to bust open the myths that have held people back for far too long. 


When someone says they get "all their business from LinkedIn" they are actually combining a lot of online and offline strategies, including leveraging trust from different areas of their life - see Episode 4


You can't win business on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is a tool that you can find leads through, but you are going to need a sales appointment to convert a prospect. 


You don't have to establish 'Influencer' status to win your first clients, or become fully booked for years. LinkedIn Lives and video, are optional. 


Your LinkedIn Profile is absolutely critical, because no matter what you do on the platform to gain attention, your prospect will come back to you profile - what are you doing to make the right first impression and book the prospect into a sales appointment.


You don't need to pay for LinkedIn to get these results. LinkedIn Premium is for job hunters. Sales Navigator is for sales people. As Expert Entrepreneurs, we don't need either. 


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