The Enoch Pill

The Enoch Pill

Latest Episodes

Episode 12: But Escape Was Never Found
April 28, 2015

Kizzy and Diego make a run for the terrible woods not knowing what they might find. Meanwhile Leo gets himself tied up with their their plight. Show Notes: “Cut and Run”, “Destiny Day”, “Gone Beyond”, “Prelude and

Episode 11: They Tried to Hide
April 17, 2015

Kizzy and Diego smuggle themselves out of the city, but it all might be to no avail. Show Notes: “Comfortable Mystery 2″, “Comfortable Mystery 3″, “Destiny Day”, “Ghostpocalypse – 3 Road of Trials”, &#

Episode 10: They Tried to Run
April 10, 2015

Diego follows Kizzy into the city, only to find that she has taken care of herself. But was the cost too high? Show Notes: “Comfortable Mystery 3″, “Cut and Run”, “Dama-May”, “Destiny Day”, “On the Gro

Episode 9: They Thought as the World Crumbled
April 03, 2015

Kizzy finds herself in life threatening situations on the inside of the city walls. The mutants were lied to and one she meets has a strange request. Show Notes: “Comfortable Mystery”, “Dama-May”, “Destiny Day”, “

Episode 8: We Thought It Would Save Us
March 26, 2015

Diego’s plan of escape comes grinding to a halt and two worlds meet for the first time in 18 years. Show Notes: “Anguish”, “Comfortable Mystery”, “Destiny Day”, “Faster Does It”, “Hit the Streets

Episode 7: You’ve Created A Monster
March 19, 2015

Officer Leo creates a monster, while Diego comes face to face with one. Show Notes: “Comfortable Mystery 2″, “Destiny Day”, “Heart of Nowhere”, “On the Ground”, “Prelude and Action”, “Rite

Episode 6: Your Lost
March 09, 2015

The story shifts to inside the city. Diego has a strange run-in with a cop and discovers a letter sent from the country. Show Notes: “Comfortable Mystery 2″, “Destiny Day”, “Dub Eastern”, “On the Ground”, &#

Episode 5: One Mistake
February 24, 2015

Kizzy and Laura attempt to defend the farm from a massive swarm of crows, but the job may be more than they can handle. Music Credits: “Destiny Day”, “Prelude and Action”, “Shores of Avalon”, “The Escalation&#8221

Episode 4: Requires Attention to Detail
February 18, 2015

Bad news lurks on the horizon for Kizzy and the farm. A failed test brings some troubling news. Show Notes: “Comfortable Mystery 3″, “Exhilarate”, “Ghostpocalypse – 6 Crossing the Threshold”, “Spring Thaw&#8

Episode 3: Of This World
February 12, 2015

Kizzy does some work on the farm, and her plan to get herself out of trouble becomes complicated. Music Credit: “Comfortable Mystery”, “Destiny Day”, “Ghostpocalypse – 8 Epilog”, “Heavy Interlude”, &#8
