JB Shreve & the End of History

JB Shreve & the End of History

Vaccines Rolling Out – Weekly Pandemic Update

February 04, 2021

This is your February 4, 2021, Weekly Pandemic Update PODCAST. The big things happening in the global pandemic you need to pay attention to. Follow the daily updates here. 

The Big Stories in This Week’s Daily Update

* Global numbers improving
* Latin America struggling
* COVAX announces distributions
* Frauds leveraging the pandemic
* EU and Britain contest for vaccines

Here are the links mentioned in this February 4, 2021, Daily Update PODCAST if you want to take a deeper dive.

* Brazil’s Neighbors Restrict Travel – Washington Post
* Virus Surge in Portugal Puts Hospitals at the Brink – New York Times
* Israel Transfers Vaccines to Palestinian Frontline Workers – BBC
* Sputnik V Vaccine Study – The Lancet
* COVAX to Send Millions of Shots to Latin America – Al Jazeera
* Increasing Cases and Death in Latin America – Al Jazeera
* COVID19 In Gaza - ELRHA
* Weekly COVID Vaccine Research Update – Duke University
* Counterfeit Vaccine Ring in China – New York Times
