The Dream Chaser Show

The Dream Chaser Show

How To Develop World Class Discipline with Dre Baldwin

November 11, 2015

About 2 weeks ago I was surfing around online..
I came across an episode of Young Hustlers where
they were interviewing internet personal branding pioneer
Dre Baldwin aka "Dre All Day"…
It was cool to see Dre on the Grant Cardone
Network, he was one of the first brothers
that I saw using the internet to create a personal brand online,
taking youtube to the next level and basically creating his own
TV "show".
I remember watching his motivation videos back in like 2009,
I can even say that he was one of the people
that inspired me to create The Dream Chaser Show.
So as I was sitting there watching the interview, in
the back of my mind I thought to myself how he had
put himself on that stage and created that opportunity on his own...
Without any special connections, luck or family "hook-ups".
He made it happen with good old fashion work and discipline, reaping
the rewards that come from making a decision and stinking with it.
How many people have you seen stick with something for
9 years (outside of going to a job everyday)?
Not many I'm sure, most people give up once they see that
nobody cares, and that's the reason nobody  (think about it).
For those of you who aren’t familiar with Dre’s story, in 2006
he uploaded a highlight video from a basketball
workout to a new video site called youtube (it was new at the time).
He was using the video to get the attention of pro basketball
talent scouts that he was interested in trying out for.
After posting the video and forgetting about it, he came back to
it several months later to find that people
he didn't know had been watching it and were even asking
him questions.
Fast forward to today, since uploading his first video to
youtube almost 10 years ago Dre
has upload more than 4500 videos online that have been
viewed over 30 million times. 
What’s even more impressive is that he hasn’t missed a
day of doing a video in over 2000 days (that’s over 5 years
for those of you trying to figure out the math).
Pretty impressive, right?
Quick question….how much could you accomplish in your life if you
committed to putting in work everyday without fail?
What you’ll learn in this interview is that success in anything
is 80% about the level of
commitment that you have to following a process.
Put all of your attention on following a process instead of
getting a result and you're on to something.
Most people get this backwards, the wait to 
follow the process after
they get the results that they're looking for...
Obviously they rarely see the results.
After listening to this conversation with Dre you're going to walk away with 
a better understanding of what it takes to win and how you need to think 
in order to achieve the highest results…
Some things that we discussed during this interview…

How he changed himself from a player with no talent into one of the best
How he keeps himself motivated and focused on his goals
Why most people won't commit to a long term process
The most important talent that you must possess as an entrepreneur
The technique that he uses to trigger the subconscious to help him address challenges
What he does everyday at the start and end of his day
The difference between having a vision and a dream
How to build confidence and belief in yourself

Live Big, Dream Big
Will Lane
