The Double Comma Club

The Double Comma Club

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Four Reasons a Recession Will Benefit You
May 16, 2022

What will housing look like in a recession? A recession will be good for housing. Recessions usually bring lower interest rates which will bring on strong demand. Strong demand on top of birth rates 3

What does it mean if the housing market is slowing?
May 13, 2022

Slowed Appreciation DOES NOT Mean Loss of Value! CoreLogic expects a 5.9% appreciation over the next 12 months. Denver is always hotter and CoreLogic is super conservative! That means on a median pric

Know Your Definition of Success
May 11, 2022

Multiple world record breaker, and international keynote speaker Ryan Avery sat down with Nicole to continue what he started at The Next Big Thing Colorado in January. He's helping us redefine "Celebr

Appreciation is dropping, will home values follow?
May 06, 2022

Did we peak in February? Both average and median price growth slowed in April. Looking back, month-over-month median price growth started out flat in January, yet low inventory and strong pending home

Interest Rates are Increasing, is a Recession Looming?
May 04, 2022

Homebuyers should hear this... NOW IS THE TIME! You do not want to be on the other side of a recession because when interest rates fall, demand will spike again! We simply do not have enough inventory

Holding Out for the Must-Haves in Your Next Home
April 29, 2022

It's one thing for an expert to tell you what you should do when investing in a home, refinancing, and selling. But when you have an opportunity to hear a real start to finish story from a home buyer

Reverse Mortgages Used as a Smart Financial Strategy - not the loan of last resort from the past
April 27, 2022

So how old do I have to be, to take advantage of a reverse mortgage? Generally speaking, we say 62 years old because the FHA product, which is the most commonly used program today requires one of the

What is the difference between FHA and conventional loans?
April 21, 2022

And do you know which is better for you? I don't believe that one of these loan programs is 'better' than the other. However, I do believe that one may work better for YOU. FHA and Conventional Loans

6 Reasons Why Home Prices are Increasing
April 20, 2022

It's no secret that the real estate market, ESPECIALLY in Denver, has seen a dramatic increase in home prices. According to CoreLogic, the national median home price grew at an all-time high 18.8% yea

What Happens After You Leave the Closing Table?
April 15, 2022

You just spent a lot of time, effort, and money getting into your new home... but what's next? There are some important things to take note of in the months following closing day such as: Your first m