The Disconnected Gamers Podcast

The Disconnected Gamers Podcast

Ep 82 – Post-PAX, Outragers, Nintendo Switch

March 21, 2017

Episode 82. March 20th, 2017. This episode is a bit all over the place in terms of topic, but we think it’s worth the listen. Starting off the episode is Andrew talking about the PAX East experience, things he saw, panels he moderated, etc. Seeing old friends, new friends, and generally having a good time. We then move through some more topical situations, namely the issue regarding Kinda Funny’s co-founder Colin Moriarty. As of this post, he has announced his newest endeavour, Colin’s Last Stand has already been announced and has a Patreon to support it. We then moved to another similarly related topic, the outrage culture of the internet/gaming. People were outraged about Colin’s tweet which as far as Andrew is concerned was a joke and nothing more, nothing less. The outrage culture spanned to Mass Effect: Andromeda, when people targeted employees at BioWare regarding the animations on the game. There is definitely a question regarding the animations, however it’s just ridiculous to claim one person is entirely responsible for them. It is downright unacceptable to be personally attacking that person for it, because ITS A GAME. Relax. Stop that nonsense. There is one thing to have constructive criticism about a game but it’s another thing to be personally attacking devs. We end on a more positive note with Mike talking about the Nintendo Switch and how he’s enjoying it so far. 
Be cool to other people. 
Want to reach out to us? Tweet Andrew @SoAfterISaid, Mike @mtong1 (Don’t follow him though), and our podcast twitter is @TheDGCast. Thanks for listening,
Andrew & Mike, The Disconnected Gamers Podcast
