The Disconnected Gamers Podcast

The Disconnected Gamers Podcast

Ep 81 – Switching It Up

February 28, 2017

Episode 81. February 28th, 2017. Mike and Andrew spend this episode talking about games for the majority of it (yay!) and shift around a bit with retro gaming and collections of gaming (eBay collectors beware!). Ultimately Andrew’s difficulty of having a gaming collection is how do you show it off, or even begin to decide how to do that. We also talk about the newest, hottest release, Horizon Zero Dawn and it’s impressive visuals from the studio known best for Killzone, a first person shooter. We also end up talking about the Wii U and Nintendo Switch, as that releases in less than a week. 
We end the podcast talking about PAX East, which is less than two weeks away. Andrew will be there in full force, moderating two panels and checking out some games. 
Want to talk to us? Say hello on twitter! Andrew’s @SoAfterISaid and Mike’s @mtong1, but don’t follow him though. 
Thanks again for always sticking with us,
Andrew & Mike, The Disconnected Gamers Podcast
