Atletico Spudland

Atletico Spudland

Latest Episodes

Sleep Apnea
March 31, 2020

What is sleep apnea and how I live with it. A while ago I spoke about having sleep apnea, I got a few questions following that podcast so I go into it a bit more here.

Social Media
March 30, 2020

Social Media aint exactly a barrell of laughs of late but what can you do about it if you dont really like it, is it just a good, SEO tool?

Captain Moonlight
January 22, 2020

Interview with Irish rapper Captain Moonlight. We speak about the new album, the Agroculture trilogy and whats next for him.

E.N. Eff Whaaaaah?
January 10, 2020

Hello there

The Brits
September 03, 2019

As flies to wanton boys, we are for the Gods. Also, wtf is going on in Britain? And will we see Hong Kong-style protests? I certainly hope so.

Murdered for Being Different
August 22, 2019

Murdered for Being Different is an award-winning documentary about the murder of Sophie Lancaster and assault of Robert Maltby. It recently aired on BBC One and I was floored by how good it was.

When Michael Met Davy
August 20, 2019

My review of the recent RTE documentary When Michael Met Davy documentary, about a GAA obsessed boy who meet a hurling legend, Davy Fitz.

Spud & Seamus
August 17, 2019

Spud & Seamus talk about flying to Italy, sympathy sex, fun with cows, horses that fight wolves and why Seamus doesnt care.

What’s the Most Important Thing in Life
August 15, 2019

AMA podcast where I answer some listener questions and take a hike out a mountain for some landscape photography.

Wherefore art thou Iona?
August 08, 2019

Still no sign of the Iona Institute, time to call an end to the search...also watched a Roman documentary and it was nice about immigrants.
