The Codec Moments Podcast

The Codec Moments Podcast

Latest Episodes

Games Services
June 25, 2019

With Google's announcement of the Stadia coming later this year and how it could (potentially) revolutionise the way we consume games, the Codec Moments team got together to talk about the various services that are already on offer, and what the benefits.

E3 2019 Roundup Live!
June 18, 2019

What better way to roundup our thoughts on E3 2019 than to have another live show?  Andy, Matt and Ali are joined by Stuart Cullen to talk about what they thought of this year’s show, which games stood out, and where they think things will go from here. .

Codec Momentum - May 2019
June 11, 2019

It's a distinctly historical theme this month as Matt, Andy and Ali wade their way through the annuls of time... and mountains of Assassin's Creed games.  The bonus month took off big time and nearly every entry in the series got a pledge on one platform.

PrE3dictions 2019
June 04, 2019

For the second year in a row, the Codec Moments team have recorded an E3 episode that hasn't languished in editing hell until September!  Andy, Matt, Ali and Stu discuss their E3 predictions.  Some are outlandish, some sound like they have been researche.

May 2019 Gaming Roundup
May 28, 2019

It's been a while since we've sat down and talked about what's been our go to games recently, so Matt and Ali spend this week's episode talking about what they've been spending the most time with.  If you've been keeping up with our #CodecMomentum bonus .

May 21, 2019

Ali and Andy get together to talk about the games that defined the ground-breaking N64 console *cough* Goldeneye *cough*. Listen to the whole podcast to hear about: The future proofing of the N64 The failed disk drive attachment that expanded the console.

Getting Back on Track - F1 2019 Preview
May 14, 2019

There's a new racing game coming based on the most famous motorsport in the world, and there's been an exclusive look at the new Codemasters outing recently in Hamburg.  Matt's grabbed Stuart as soon as he got off the place to dig into the details of the.

Codec Momentum - April 2019
May 07, 2019

It's Codec Momentum update time for April 2019. Listen to this latest update on the 2019 Codec Momentum submission to find out: Who's at the top Who's at the bottom Who's making a triumphant return Who missed out on 10 bonus points! Who won the prize dra.

Sworn Off The Dead
April 30, 2019

The Codec Moments team, just like the gaming industry, can't get enough of different zombie outings on their favourite platforms.  We're here this week to talk about the co-op antics of World War Z, the solo escapades of Days Gone, and the bizarre and qu.

Welcome to Carcast ’17!
September 28, 2017

Our annual pilgrimage to Birmingham's biggest gaming show summed up in an hour or so.
