The Codec Moments Podcast

The Codec Moments Podcast

E3 2019 Roundup Live!

June 18, 2019

What better way to roundup our thoughts on E3 2019 than to have another live show?  Andy, Matt and Ali are joined by Stuart Cullen to talk about what they thought of this year’s show, which games stood out, and where they think things will go from here.  Because it was live and people were actually there on Discord, there were also giveaways too!  If you missed out, still listen to this because there might be a prize remaining that needs claiming.
In this episode of the Codec Moments Podcast you’ll find out:
Which publishers made an impression at E3 2019
Who knows the most about Hammer horror films
Whether Andy can keep his sound effects under control
How many times Matt has to move Ali and Stu on for the interests of time
If any games stuck in their memories
Why there’s so much Keanu love
and more!
Why not join our Discord to talk games (and other stuff) and listen to live recordings (and join in) – click here.  If you think that Discord will shun the press community for E3 2019, then why not check us out on Twitter, Facebook or contact us via email.  The Codec Moments Podcast will return next week with discussion of the Google Stadia (it we’ve paid up our streaming subs).
