The Codec Moments Podcast

The Codec Moments Podcast

Sworn Off The Dead

April 30, 2019

The Codec Moments team, just like the gaming industry, can't get enough of different zombie outings on their favourite platforms.  We're here this week to talk about the co-op antics of World War Z, the solo escapades of Days Gone, and the bizarre and quite disturbing activities in Zankie Zero: Last Beginning (even though it's not got Z's, it has got clones coming back to life, so meh, close enough).  If that's not enough to grab your shambling attention there's even a quiz that really very poorly attempts to link the dead-eyed trudge of consumerism with flesh eating monsters in a way that would make George A. Romero turn in his grave.  Oh, and we even have chance to put out a long overdue interview from EGX 2018 about Heaven's Vault.  Enjoy!
In this episode of the Codec Moments Podcast you'll find out:
Why Andy can't lift his arms
If Ali's played any more of The Division 2
Who inspired who to read World War Z
Why we're including a Game of Thrones reference in every episode from now on
What's Swedish for zombie
Whether Mortal Kombat 11 is any good for non-fighting game fans
and a great interview about the development of Heaven's Vault
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