The Butcher Shop Podcast

The Butcher Shop Podcast

Ep 36: A bunch of old guys complaining about everything and Jim (OJ Part 2)

April 01, 2016

Part 2 of our discussion on the trial of the century, and the hottest show on TV, An American Crime Story: The People vs. O.J. Simpson. In Part 2, we ask ourselves if the O.J. Trial killed American media, sensationalizing how we view celebrity, racism, and the criminal justice system.

Joil sets us straight on who the biggest losers were in the trial.

Jason and Johnny argue. Ryan can't get a word in edgewise and Jim wonders why we still care about the damn trial (effing millennial).

In other news, Johnny sent his first tweet of 2016 to actor Sterling K. Brown, who masterfully portrays Chris Darden in the series and Sterling tweeted JU back, undoubtedly dooming his career. Sorry, Sterling.
