The Business Stylist® Podcast

The Business Stylist® Podcast

How Can I Create an Assessment For Prospective Clients?

November 09, 2015

The Business Stylist® Podcast Episode 137
This podcast and video are part of my ongoing Question and Answer series where I’m answering questions I receive from independent coaches and consultants.

Offering a free assessment can be a great way to build your email list and generate new clients.

But what if you have no idea how to create an assessment for your coaching or consulting business.

How can you create an assessment that your ideal clients will want to sign up for, and maybe even more important, that will effectively screen them for your services and get them to ultimately register for a free consultation with you?

I answer these questions in this video and podcast.

And I answer them from personal experience. Several years ago in my marketing consulting business I created an assessment and used it as a list builder and as a way to generate free consultations, and ultimately new clients.

In this video I share how I created my assessment and how it worked for me, along with some tips you can use for creating your own assessment.

You can download a copy of the assessment I used to use here

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The The Business Stylist® Podcast is brought to you by Debbie LaChusa, aka The Business Stylist®. In each episode, Debbie shares bite-sized marketing tips and advice to help independent coaches, consultants, and other service professionals Package, Brand, Market, and Sell their services more effectively.
