The Business Stylist® Podcast

The Business Stylist® Podcast

Why Free Consultations Are The Best Market Research

August 24, 2015

The Business Stylist® Podcast Episode 127

What's the best way to get to know and understand your ideal clients so you can create programs and marketing that connect and resonate with them? Market research. What's the best way to do that market research? Talk to people! And that's exactly what you're doing when you do free consultations—you're talking to your ideal clients. In this episode I share why doing as many free consultations with prospective clients as you can, is the quickest way to dial-in your marketing. I also share how I did exactly that and was able to quickly turn around a marketing message that was a bit off the mark, in just two weeks. And, how what I learned on a handful of free consultations took my sales closing ratio from zero for zero (meaning I wasn't closing a single new client!) to nearly 100%.

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The The Business Stylist® Podcast is brought to you by Debbie LaChusa, aka The Business Stylist®. In each episode, Debbie shares bite-sized marketing tips and advice to help independent coaches, consultants, and other service professionals Package, Brand, Market, and Sell their services more effectively.
