The Business Stylist® Podcast

The Business Stylist® Podcast

How to Consistently Generate Free Consultations

August 17, 2015

The Business Stylist® Podcast Episode 126

If you're an independent coach or consultant you really want to be doing free consultations with prospects before you take them on as clients. But generating free consultations can be a challenge. How do you get people to raise their hand and let you know they're interested in working with you? It's certainly not about cold-calling or pounding the pavement. There are actually some marketing strategies you can set up that will help automate the process of generating consultations. In this episode I share one of the most important, automated, ways you can start generating a constant a flow of consultation requests into your business.

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The The Business Stylist® Podcast is brought to you by Debbie LaChusa, aka The Business Stylist®. In each episode, Debbie shares bite-sized marketing tips and advice to help independent coaches, consultants, and other service professionals Package, Brand, Market, and Sell their services more effectively.
