The Business Stylist® Podcast

The Business Stylist® Podcast

Why You Must Find A Unique Marketing Voice

July 20, 2015

The Business Stylist® Podcast Episode 122.

What is a Marketing Voice? Well, it's what you say and how you say it. It's your unique way of presenting what you do for people. It's how you avoid sounding like every other coach or consultant in your industry. And, it's how you attract the attention and the clients you want. In this episode I talk about why it's so important to find your own unique marketing voice, and why so many service professionals fail to do so. I talk about the dangers of me-too marketing and why if you want to succeed in business, you must avoid it at all costs.

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The The Business Stylist® Podcast is brought to you by Debbie LaChusa, aka The Business Stylist®. In each episode, Debbie shares bite-sized marketing tips and advice to help independent coaches, consultants, and other service professionals Package, Brand, Market, and Sell their services more effectively.
